Wednesday, May 15, 2024


First Amazon Review of Murdertown -- the 3rd Hank and Marvin mystery 

Review of my novel is by David Rabin, award winning mystery novelists

5 STARS -- A Lyrically Written, Absorbing, and Deeply Affecting Police Procedural

In 1975 Chicago, police detectives Hank Purcell and Marvin Bondarowicz are up to their ears in homicides in the rapidly deteriorating neighborhood of Humboldt Park—a small-time gangster, a child walking home from a grocery store, an elderly Polish war hero and many more. Are these murders random? Or are they connected by some inexplicable motive? In this third installment of the Hank and Marvin series, Guzlowski paints a vivid picture of urban decay, political machinations, and the efforts of decent people to carry on amid the senseless violence surrounding them.
The investigation of the crimes will keep you quickly turning the pages, but it’s only part of the story. This book transcends the events that propel the plot by showing us how the crimes affect the people who investigate them. Guzlowski takes us into the psyches of Hank and Marvin, who, after three decades of police work, are struggling to retain their humanity and empathy despite the understandable urge to surrender entirely to cynicism. Every day brings additional reinforcement of the knowledge that brutal crimes will plague innocent people no matter how hard and long the detectives work, and the central theme of the book is why they continue in the face of futility. Guzlowski ultimately answers this question with a metaphor that gives us hope for humanity.

Friday, May 3, 2024

May 3, Polish Constitution Day

 May 3, Polish Constitution Day

May 3rd was always a big holiday for us when I was growing up in the Polish Triangle in Chicago in the 1950s.  There were parades and parties and my parents and their friends singing the old songs they sang in Poland, the songs of hope and Polish honor and the beauty of the trees and fields beneath the Polish sky.  

This is a poem I wrote to commemorate that day.   It's in my book about my parents and the war, Echoes of Tattered Tongues.


They’ll never see it again, these old Poles 

with their dreams of Poland.  My father 

told me when I was a boy that those who tried 

in ‘45 were turned back at the borders 

by shoeless Russians dressed in rags and riding 

shaggy ponies.  The Poles fled through the woods,

the unlucky ones left behind, dead 

or what’s worse wounded, the lucky ones

gone back to wait in the old barracks 

in the concentration and labor camps

in Gatersleben or Wildflecken

for some miracle that would return them 

to Poznan or Katowice.  But the world

wasn’t listening or its hands were busy 

somewhere else.  Later, in America

these Poles gathered with their brothers

and with their precious sons and daughters

every May 3, Polish Constitution Day, 

to pray for the flag.  There was no question 

then what the colors stood for, red for all 

that bleeding sorrow, white for innocence.

And always the old songs telling the world 

Poland would never fall so long as poppies 

flower red, and flesh can conquer rock or steel.

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Who Would Jesus Vote For?


I don’t know if you remember this, but one of the big questions during Donald Trump’s last run for president in 2020 was “Who Would Jesus Vote For?” The question kept coming up again and again in White Evangelical Christian communities and on their social media because – as we all know – these Christians were very much interested in Trump not only back in 2020, but also in 2016. 

So why do people wonder about who Jesus would vote for?

Nobody has asked me, but I’ve been thinking about it.

First, it’s an interesting question because Jesus seemed to imply that he wasn’t much interested in politics.  There’s the famous encounter in Mark Chapter 12 where some Pharisees ask him if they should pay taxes, and Jesus says, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s.”  

Another famous passage suggesting that politics isn’t something Jesus is interested in appears in Matthew Chapter 4. That’s the moment when Satan tempts Jesus in the desert offering to make Jesus the King of the whole world if He gives his devotion to Satan.  If you know anything about Jesus and the New Testament, you don’t need me to tell you how Jesus responded to Satan.  Jesus said, “Away with you, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve.’” According to most Biblical scholars, both stories imply that Jesus isn’t interested in the political stuff going on here on earth.

Second, let me say that I doubt that if Jesus were alive today he would be able to vote in the US Presidential election.  He probably would be living in what Trump in 2018 called “shithole countries,” little-bitty, starving, chaotic nations like Haiti or Burundi or South Sudan.  The most likely residence is probably the last-named country.  South Sudan is the poorest nation in the world with a population of about 11 million, 9 million of whom are starving.  If Jesus were alive today, he wouldn’t be living in Hollywood or Las Vegas or New York and eating in fancy restaurants.  He’d be living in South Sudan, sitting on the side of the road waiting for someone to come by and give him a piece of bread.  

So it’s pretty clear that Jesus would probably not be interested in voting in the 2024 election, and even if he was interested, he probably wouldn’t have the right to vote.

So why are people still asking, “Who Would Jesus Vote For?”

It’s politics.  

Somehow Trump has been able to convince White Evangelical Christians that he, in fact, is  God’s pick for president.  Trump recently posted a video on his Social Media network Truth Social.  The video begins with these words: "And on June 14, 1946, God looked down on his planned paradise and said, 'I need a caretaker.' So God gave us Trump." 

The White Evangelical Christians apparently believe this.  According to Pew Research, 77% of White Evangelicals supported Trump in 2016 and 84% supported him in 2020.  The number of Christians supporting Trump in 2024 will probably be higher.


Time magazine makes a pretty strong case that the White Evangelical Christians support Trump so strongly because they are convinced that the “barbarians are at the gates” and that Trump – despite his attempt to overturn the last election, despite his proven sexual philandering, despite his criminal activities – is the only one who can save America from those barbarians.

And who are the barbarians?  

They are the Black Christians, the Jewish voters, the Arab American voters, the Hispanic Christians, the White non-Evangelical Christians, the “woke” guys and gals who support the Democratic party.

The White Evangelical Christians hope that Jesus will vote for the man the White Evangelical Christians support: Trump. 

I’m praying that Jesus doesn’t support Trump.